"Balancing Life, God's Way"...

We know life is difficult, but we also know God can help you balance the challenges of life.

"I know you don't think you have enough time.. but what if you actually do?"

Show up for your family, and still have time, even if experts say its impossible

  • "Yea right!," you're thinking. "I show up for my family but there is not enough time in a day for everything."
  • "How can I have time at home and manage all of the pressure of life?"
  • "I feel called to do more, but I don't know how!"
  •  "Some day life will slow down!"(But what if it doesn't)

God has called YOU to the work...

Enter your best email below and I'll register you for the live event, send all event details & enter your name for the giveaways!

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